Older News

2009 9.Dec.09 Arlene Birt named Artist in Residence at MEDEA in Malmö, Sweden for Fall 2010. 22.Dec.09 Arlene Birt selected for the 2010 Art(ists) on the Verge fellowship for a project on Visualizing Grocery Impacts. 22.Oct.09 short presentation for Packaging Sustainability: Tools, Systems and Strategies for Innovative Package Design launch party at MCAD. 07.Oct.09 "Water […]

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Malmo MEDEA – New Media Artist Residency

Arlene Birt is artist in residence at MEDEA Malmö in Fall 2010, where she will collaboratively develop an interactive information design project to help people experience their social and environmental footprints: by making the ‘stories’ of these impacts visible and interactive – in the context of the city of Malmö.

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Linking Everyday Gestures with Digital Details

Pranav Mistry combines standard, everyday gestures with digital information. His solutions -which include the SixthSense wearable computer – have potential to bring real transparency into sustainability, and enable people to literally immerse themselves in their own ecological footprints.