The Eco-Savings of File Transfer

An Earth Day Campaign by online service calculates the savings of using digital file sharing vs. printing, burning CDs and shipping.

Though a bit of a stretch to calculate environmental impacts in this fashion, it’s always good to see dynamically-calculated details on your own impacts (and those of all users of a service).

Yousendit earthday campaign calculations
Earth Day Campaign
campaign to calculate sustainablity savings

Tracing a Taco

‘Tacoshed’ tracks the journey (and miles) of all the ingredients from a taco produced by a specific taco truck in San Francisco.

Tracing Food miles from a taco

Compiled by students at California College of the Arts and design group Rebar, this info-visualization highlights the complexity of our food systems.

Tough resulting in complex maps, the results accurately gives people an idea where their food comes from.

Measuring & Communicating Life Cycle course online

Registration is open for Sustainability: Measuring and Communicating Life Cycle online course through MCAD’s Sustainability program – taught by Arlene Birt.

Sustainability: Measuring & communicating life cycle course flyer

This course teaches methods of communicating sustainability to consumers in an engaging, visual way – in order to help people understand the sustainability (or lack thereof) of products, and establish a personal connection to products’ environmental impacts.

More information on Minneapolis College of Art and Design’s website.

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Older News


9.Dec.09 Arlene Birt named Artist in Residence at MEDEA in Malmö, Sweden for Fall 2010.

22.Dec.09 Arlene Birt selected for the 2010 Art(ists) on the Verge fellowship for a project on Visualizing Grocery Impacts.

22.Oct.09 short presentation for Packaging Sustainability: Tools, Systems and Strategies for Innovative Package Design launch party at MCAD.

07.Oct.09 "Water Cycle for Life" design selected for production by Felissimo and Design 21.

22.July.09 presenting at Give & Take.

Arlene presented 18 – 20 June.09 at Data Designed for Decisions. A joint OECD and International Institute for Information Design conference in Paris.

Arlene presented ‘Background Stories’ at New Media Meeting 4 in Norrköping, Sweden May.09.

Arlene collaborating with the Interactive Institute (Sweden).

On shelves now: Arlene contributed to Packaging Sustainability: Tools, Systems and Strategies for Innovative Package Design.

Dec.08 – May.09 Background Stories on view in the exhibit, Tourism: Spaces of Fiction, at the Barcelona Design Museum.

Arlene presented ‘Designing for Sustainability’ on Earth Day, April.09 at AIGA Minnesota’s Sustainability Retreat.

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Malmo MEDEA – New Media Artist Residency

Arlene Birt to be artist in residence at MEDEA Malmö in Fall 2010, where she will collaboratively develop an interactive information design project to help people experience their social and environmental footprints: by making the ‘stories’ of these impacts visible and interactive – in the context of the city of Malmö.

More details announced on their facebook page.

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